The Lyndale Neighborhood Association (LNA) has four program pillars: the Lyndale Education Program, Community Gardens, Business Facade and Activation Grants, Community Engagement.
Lyndale Education Program

LNA offers a wide range of free in-person Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs, including English and Computer Basics instruction in South Minneapolis. In 2023, LNA taught 202 students for a total of 14,950 hours.
Community Gardens

LNA owns and operates four community garden locations in the Lyndale neighborhood, including three plot-based gardens. Part of our garden space is a designated donation garden where produce is harvested and donated back to the community. In the 2023 growing season, LNA had 41 gardeners in three plot-based gardens. Hennepin County Master Gardeners donated 355 pounds of produce to Harvest From the Heart—all grown from the donation garden!
Business Façade & Activation Grants

Business façade and activation grants help neighborhood businesses improve external marketing materials, such as signs, to better promote their business and improve the curb appeal of the neighborhood. In 2023, LNA provided facade grants to Marigold and Honeycomb and hosted one Pop-Off event at Kingfield Farmers Market.
Community Engagement

LNA hosts frequent community events and engagement opportunities to build strong bonds and bridge relationships across Lyndale’s diverse population and housing stock. In addition, we publish key communications that keep neighbors informed about City projects and LNA programs. LNA supported 116 community events and outreach activities in 2023, including events with Somali and/or Spanish translation, geared towards renters, and development outreach activities.