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Pollinator Pathway Plant Sale

Nicollet Avenue Corridor Pollinator Pathway Plant Sale Fundraiser

Bee a part of this great community project! Buy a native patch of plants and support the Rusty Patched Bumblebee and Your Neighborhood Association!

We are creating a path for the Rusty Patched Bumblebee through the Tangletown, Kingfield and Lyndale neighborhoods and your home can be a stop on this little native bee’s journey!

Be a part of this project by buying a pre-selected package of 18 native flowers favored by this pollinator to plant in your garden. Both the full sun and the partial shade packs contain 3.5-inch pots of 4 different varieties of native plants, at a cost of $125 per flat:

  • Full Sun 18-pack:Giant Hyssop (qty. 4)
  • Purple Prairie Clover (qty. 6)
  • Azure Aster (qty. 4)
  • Golden Alexander (qty. 4)
  • Partial Shade 18-pack:Red Columbine (qty. 6)
  • Turtlehead (qty. 4)
  • Wild Bergamot (qty. 4)
  • Culvers Root (qty. 4)

Your purchase supports our native bees and your neighborhood association at the same time! Learn more about the Nicollet Avenue Pollinator Pathway Project.

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