Board Member Highlight: Holly Reckel

Holly Reckel has served on the Lyndale Neighborhood Association’s board since 2021 and is a homeowner in the Lyndale neighborhood. She currently serves as the board Vice President and Environment Committee Chair and is involved with the Engagement Committee.

Here’s what Holly had to say about her experience on the board:

Question: What inspired you to join LNA’s board of directors?

Answer: I recently joined the board because I wanted to contribute to the sustainability and growth of LNA, and ensure we could continue to do things that have positive impacts in our neighborhood, even with limited resources.

Question: What are some of the most rewarding aspects of being a board member?

Answer: I think one of the most rewarding aspects of being a board member is knowing I’m making a difference in this small piece of the world, and working together with neighbors that share the same values of connecting people to build a safer, more livable space in this city. I have built many long-term friendships with neighbors through volunteering and participating in LNA events, so I’m really thankful for that.

Make a difference in the community where you live or own a business by applying to LNA’s Board of Directors. Elections occur July 22, 2024.

LNA specifically seeks to foster the leadership and participation of people in whom neighborhood organizations have historically underinvested — people who rent, and people who identify as BIPOC (Black, indigenous, people of color), LGBTQ+, and seniors.