Volunteers Needed: Be Part of the Fun at Nicollet Open Streets

Help bring the music and magic to Nicollet Avenue by signing up to volunteer at Nicollet Open Streets. From managing street closures to tallying attendance and educating on composting and waste, we need your help!

Nicollet Open Streets is grounded in community and organized by the Lyndale Neighborhood Association in partnership with the City of Minneapolis. Our largest festival was last held in 2019 when it attracted more than 100 businesses and nonprofits, drawing close to 15,000 people. LNA is dedicated to showcasing the best of Nicollet Avenue while maintaining strong local involvement. Expect to see your favorite community partners along the route.

Help bring the biggest annual party IN the neighborhood TO the neighborhood by volunteering at Nicollet Open Streets.

p.s. For the latest chatter on food, music, and entertainment at Nicollet Open Streets, make sure to like Nicollet Open Streets’ Facebook event and invite your friends!