Sap Tap event photo with a stack of pancakes

Sap Tap

Spring IS Approaching which means the Sap is coming soon!

Order you sap-tap kit and plan to participate in the Kingfield Community Sap Tap (and pancake breakfast!)

Combine your efforts (and your sap!) and let’s make maple syrup! Register now and pick up a Tree Tapping Kit from the front desk of MLK Park and go pick it to be ready for the sap run. Go home and wait for the message to tap a tree on your personal property (note, trees must be larger than 10 inches in diameter for it to not harm them). We will notify you when the sap looks ready to start, and we have volunteers who are willing to come help you tap your tree if this is your first time and you are nervous.

Note, the date of the event is weather dependent! We don’t know what day the boil will be on until the sap begins to flow.

When sap buckets are full, they should be dropped off at the park where it will be stored until we will have an outdoor communal syrup making party; participants will be able to sign up for a shift of syrup making, and will get to take a jar of syrup home with them too!

Cost $20/ Comes with a kit. Kits includes spline(s), tubing, 5 gallon food grade collection bucket, and how-to instructions. Register online (event #135524). Limit 10 participants.

Cost $10/ Participant must provide your own kit. Register online (event #135525). Limit 20 participants. 

 A program of the Kingfield Neighborhood Association and MLK Park. 

Kingfield Pancake Breakfast!

Saturday March 25, 9-11 AM

Tickets available online

As a celebration of our Community Sap Tapping program, KFNA is hosting the 2nd annual pancake breakfast fundraiser! Come to the north end of the park building to watch the sap boil and talk to the sap harvesters and cooks to learn how the process works outside. Then sample some of our very own Kingfield-made syrup while you and enjoy a pancake breakfast. Breakfast will include pancakes, fruit, pork sausage, juice and coffee. 

Breakfast is a donation of $10 per adult and $30 per family. This fundraiser will benefit both KFNA and MLK Park, and support this, and similar programs, that both groups organize in the neighborhood!