Community Notice of Reallocation of Funds

The Lyndale Neighborhood Association is notifying the community of their intent to reallocate
$25,000 of uncontracted NRP funds from the Rehabilitate Rental Properties strategy to their
Affordable Rental Housing strategy and then commit the funds as a forgivable loan to the
Project for Pride in Living 110-unit affordable housing development at the former Wells Fargo
site at 3030 Nicollet. Voting by the board to confirm this moving of funds will occur at the
December Board meeting. If the community has comments either in support of, or against, this
reallocation, please email on or before noon December 11, 2023, with the
title “3030 Nicollet Comments” in the subject line.

This item will also be discussed at the Lyndale Housing Committee on December 6, 6:30 PM,
Painter Park.

To learn about this project please see the document shared below.
To learn more about PPL please visit:
To join the Lyndale Housing Committee and receive direct notifications on projects and
meetings, please contact and put “Join LNA Housing Committee” in the
subject line.